Instructions to Authors | > For Authors and Reviewers > Instructions to Authors |
I. Sleep Medicine Research |
Sleep Medicine Research (Sleep Med Res) is an official journal of the Korean Society of Sleep Medicine (KSSM), Asian Society of Sleep Medicine (ASSM), Korean Society of Sleep Research, and Korean Society of Sleep and Breathing. It is published four times a year in the last days of March, June, September, and December. The journal publishes research papers in sleep science and sleep medicine, which contribute to the better understanding of pathophysiology and treatment of sleep disorders as well as sleep physiology.
II. Manuscripts |
The SMR publishes Reviews, Original Articles, Brief Communications, Images in Sleep Medicine, and Opinions. Papers should be written in English to be published in the SMR. Manuscripts are received on the condition that they are neither under simultaneous consideration nor have been published by any other publication in whole or in part in any language except in the form of an abstract. The cover letter must state if the manuscript contains any portion that may be regarded as redundant or duplicate information, defined as a paper, data, tables, or figures that overlap substantially with already published information. Manuscripts should conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals ( All manuscripts are subject to peer review. The Editors have the right to make corrections, literary or technical, to the accepted manuscript. The copyright of published manuscripts is held by the Korean Society of Sleep Medicine. The agreement of copyright transfer from all authors should be sent with the original manuscript. A copyright transfer form is available at the journal homepage ( The authors should acknowledge that the use of data, tables, figures, or videos (except for lecture) published in the SMR without written permission of the copyright holder is plagiarism, even if authors use them for their own papers.
III. Ethical Policy and Author Disclosure |
All researches involving human subjects should follow the recommendations contained in the Declaration of Helsinki (1964). Therefore, manuscripts reporting human or animal research should include the statement in the text that the institutional review board for human or animal studies approved the protocols and informed consent was obtained from the subjects or their surrogates if required by the institutional review board for not only the original article but also case reports. The Editors reserve the right to reject any manuscript on studies that do not comply with these recommendations.
A submitted manuscript must not be associated with any type of research misconduct, including fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism.
Any potential conflict of interests must be disclosed on the submission of manuscript. Each and every author is required to disclose it in the cover letter of manuscript.
IV. Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation |
The manuscript should consist of the author information page, title page, abstract, main body, references, tables and figure legend. Papers must be typed in 10-point type with margins of 2.5 cm (1 inch) using the Microsoft Word® (Word 97 - Word 2007). The right margin should not be justified. All the words in the abstract should be fully typed. No abbreviation or acronym is allowed in the abstract, title, running title, and subheadings of main text. Abbreviations must be defined on the first use in the main text. Place the page number in the middle of the bottom of each page from the title page onwards. Do not use the automatic formatting features (e.g. when using citation manger, remove field codes before submission).
Cover Letter |
The cover letter accompanying the manuscript must specify the type of manuscript and includes statements on the ethical issues and conflict of interests, and contact information of the corresponding author.
Author Information Page |
This page should include title, the names of all authors and their affiliations where the work was performed, running title, acknowledgement, sources of funding, any conflict of interests, and the contact information of the corresponding author.
Title should be concise, specific, and informative that should be limited to 100 characters, including spaces. Running titles is no more than 50 characters including spaces. The names of all authors must be described in full with their highest academic degrees (e.g., M.D., Ph.D.) with their affiliations. The contact information of the corresponding author includes the complete address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address. When there are multiple authors from multiple affiliations, use number as superscripts in the order of appearance (e.g., 1,2,3). Acknowledgements, sources of funding, and any conflict of interests should be stated on this page under each subheading.
Title Page |
The page must contain title, running title, number of characters of the title and running title, number of words in the main text excluding references, tables and figure legends, and number of tables and figures. Any author information should not appear on this page. This is considered as the first page of the manuscript.
Abstract |
Abstract must be prepared in the separate page and written with not more than 250 words. Abstract is required for Reviews, Original Articles, Brief Communications, and Images in Sleep Medicine. For Original Papers, abstract must be organized into Background and Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. These titles should be typed in boldface and terminated with colon. Abstracts are required for Reviews, but the authors can format the structure. For Brief Communications and Images in Sleep Medicine, the abstracts are also required, and should be described in single paragraph with the number of words not more than 150. At the end of abstract, keywords should be provided. Important terms can be selected as keywords from the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) of Index Medicus. The number of keywords provided is between three and five.
Main Text |
The main body of manuscript for Original Articles must be structured under the following subheadings: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The number of words in the main text should not exceed 4000. (1) Introduction: This should provide a background for the study and state the study objective. (2) Methods: the study design and the experimental methods should be described concisely but allowing other workers to reproduce the results. Do not fully describe the methods that are widely accepted as the standard or have been published. Describe statistical methods with enough detail to enable a reader with access to the original data to verify the reported results. (3) Results: This should include a concise textual description of the data presented in tables and figures. (4) Discussion: This section includes the new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions. The data should be interpreted concisely. Speculation is permitted, but it must be supported by the data presented by the authors.
The main text should not exceed 2000 words for Brief Communications and 1000 words for Images in Sleep Medicine. Subdivisions such as Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion are not mandatory.
Case report can be submitted for Brief Communications. The main text for case report should consist of Introduction, Case, and discussion and not have words more than 1000.
The main text for Opinion should not exceed 1000 words, and subdivisions such as Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion are not mandatory.
Authors for Reviews can freely format the structure of the main text. But the word count should not exceed 5,000 words.
References |
References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text. Each reference should be cited as [1], [1,4] or [5-8] at the end of the related phrases in the text. They should be listed on a separate sheet at the end of the paper in that order. Unpublished data, submitted papers, and personal communications cannot be cited in the text. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. Reference format should conform with that specified in "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals". Journal abbreviations should conform with the style used in the Cumulated Index Medicus. List all authors when they are six or fewer; when there are seven or more, list only the first six and add "et al.". The Endnote® reference style for the SMR can be downloaded from the journal homepage ( The Number of references should be no more than 40 for Original Contributions, 20 for Brief Communications, 10 for Case Reports (as Brief Communications), 10 for Opinions, 5 for Images in Sleep Medicine.
<Sample References>
Journal articles
Kim J, Lee S, In K, Kim J, You S, Kang K, et al. Increase in serum haptoglobin and apolipoprotien M in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. J Sleep Res 2009;18(3):313-320.
Chokroverty S. Sleep disorders medicine: basic science, technical considerations, and clinical aspects. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders 2009;22-28.
Book chapter
Stickgold R. Introduction to dreams and their pathology. In: Kryger MH, Roth T, Dement WC. Principles and practice of sleep medicine. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders 2005;519-521.
Tables |
Type each table, with a title, on a separate sheet. Each table should be included as a Word table in order to ensure correct column alignment. The number of tables is limited to five for Original Papers, two for Brief Communications other than case report, one for case report and Images in Sleep Medicine. Cite and number tables in the order they are mentioned in the text. Use horizontal lines only above and below column headings and at the bottom of a table. Do not use vertical lines. All abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in tables. For footnotes, use the following symbols in the indicated sequence: *, †, ‡, §, ||, **, ††, and ‡‡. The significance of observations, as determined by appropriate statistical analyses, must be indicated.
Figures |
Cite figures in numerical order (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc) as they appear in the text. Figures must be submitted as separate files saved in JPEG, TIFF, GIF, EPS, or PPT format (do not embedded the figures in the Microsoft Word manuscript file). The figure resolution should be at least 600 dpi for grayscale and color images, and 1200 dpi for line figures at final size. Color images must be saved in CMYK mode (and not in RGB mode). Photographs of recognizable persons should be accompanied by a signed release from the patient or legal guardian authorizing publication. Legends for figures must appear on a separate page at the end of the manuscript file. The complete cost of reproducing color images will be charged to the authors. All color figures will be reproduced in full color in the online edition of the journal at no cost to authors. Authors are requested to pay the cost of reproducing color figures in print (upon acceptance of the manuscript, the publisher will provide price quotes). The complete cost of reproducing color images will be charged to the authors at $200 for the first page containing color images and $100 for each additional page.
V. Manuscript Submission |
All new manuscripts should be submitted directly to: Chol Shin, M.D.,Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, using the online submission system. Before submitting the manuscript, authors should double-check all requirements noted in the submission guideline. A manuscript that does not follow the author instructions of the journal, especially regarding format and references will be returned without review process. Author checklist form should be accompanied upon the submission of manuscript.
Acceptance of manuscripts is based on many factors, including the importance, originality, and priority of the research. The Editor-in-Chief and an Associate Editor generally review manuscripts. Then the selected manuscripts are reviewed by at least two external peer reviewers, and a biostatistician, when required. Upon completion of the review, authors will receive notification of the Editor's decision by e-mail with comments offered by the reviewers. The author(s) can recommend up to 5 candidates to review the manuscript.
VI. Authors’ Checklist |
Before submitting the manuscript, authors should double-check all requirements noted in the agreement form regarding submission (author checklist) and copyrights of their manuscript. A manuscript that does not follow the author instructions of the journal regarding format and references will be returned without review process.
VII. Accepted Articles: Materials Required for Publication |
After Acceptance:
The corresponding author should send a signed copyright transfer and author consent form in advance to the Editorial Office by e-mail or fax, since manuscripts cannot be published unless these documents are received by the Editorial Office. You can download copyright transfer and author consent from the Korean Society of Sleep Medicine ( The copyright transfer includes images of patients, whether in artwork or video format. The corresponding author should state in the Methods sections that informed consent was obtained from subjects. These do not have to be sent to Editorial Office, but they should be kept in case they are requested.
VIII. Proofs and Reprints |
Proof must be returned within 7 days of receipt: the late return might delay the publication of a paper. Please check text, tables, legends, and references very carefully. To expedite publication, page proofs rather than galleys will be sent electronically to the corresponding author. Substantial alterations by the authors other than the correction of printing errors might incur additional charges. The order form for reprints included with the proofs should be returned even if you are not ordering reprints.
Chol Shin, M.D., Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief, The Sleep Medicine Research
Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine
Institute of Human Genomic Study, Korea University
Mailing address:
Asan Medical Center
88, Olympic-ro 43-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul 05505, Korea
TEL: +82-2-3010-5455
FAX: +82-2-485-8381